
Posts tagged
'ballot initiative'

Who’s afraid of all kids having access to a quality education?

The Arkansas Educational Rights Amendment is simple. Access to four of the most powerful boosts to learning. Protecting the same minimum-quality standards we have now. And requiring every school that gets public money to follow public school standards. It’s short and simple.
IT Arkansas job board

Washington Post spotlights ballot initiative push to protect abortion rights in Arkansas

The Washington Post spotlights the underdog effort to get signatures for a ballot initiative to protect abortion rights and the challenges they face in dead-red Arkansas.

With abortion access at stake, grassroots volunteers hatch strategy to collect signatures

The group Arkansans for Limited Government is hustling to raise money and recruit volunteers in their bid to put reproductive rights on the ballot.

Attorney General Tim Griffin rejects public education advocates' first step to repealing Arkansas LEARNS

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin rejected the ballot title put forth by a new group hoping to put an option to repeal Gov. Sarah Sanders' LEARNS Act before voters.

Casino campaign demands secretary of state certify its petitions

Lottery amendment drive demands secretary of state certify their petitions.

Arkansas Supreme Court hears oral arguments on challenge to alcohol sales ballot iniative

Could a deadline extended because of the July 4 holiday trip up the ballot initiative for statewide alcohol sales? The Arkansas Supreme Court will decide.

Revenue from marijuana legalization up in Colorado

A new report from Moody's suggests that the Colorado's experiment with marijuana legalization is likely to keep bringing in big revenues. It's only a matter of time before the question comes before Arkansas voters via ballot initiative, though state Attorney General Dustin McDaniel recently rejected the latest effort for unclear wording, the seventh time dating back to 2011 that the office rejected similar measures.