Jones' three-page letter to legislative auditors appears to mostly embrace Sanders' narrative. He demurs on the question of whether the governor must follow state procurement and accounting law.
The governor, cornered by a nasty audit report that details what sure smells like low-bore corruption and an incompetent coverup, pulled out her trump card Monday afternoon, reimagining herself as a hip-hop heroine.
The AP breaks the news that the long-awaited audit of Gov. Sarah Sanders' $19,000 lectern is slated to be released to the public within the next 10 days.
Auditor Roger Norman said the governor requested an extra week to submit her response to the findings, further delaying the audit report's release to the public.
After Sanders shared social media posts about her family's high-dollar Super Bowl trip, TPM set out to calculate how much it cost and who foot the bill. As if!
"To date, our staff has formally interviewed 20 individuals" involved in the purchase of the lectern or the reimbursement that followed, head auditor Roger Norman said.